The Truth: You are loved. You are Beautiful. You have a purpose.

Beyond the Darkness

Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.

–Barbara Johnson, writer

40 Things to Give Up for a Better Life

#11 Believing with our eyes only

Life has so much to offer if we use more than our eyes only.

Close your eyes.

What’s there in the dark?

  • I feel the warm body of my dog’s head on my lap.
  • I smell freshly washed sheets.
  • I taste a stick of gum, a gift from my dad.
  • I hear my a cat purring.

The good thing about this exercise? What life looks dark and dreary, we can close our eyes and listen for God’s still small voice. We can feel his peace that passes all understanding. We can rest knowing we see a small part of his plan. And there is good out there in the darkness.

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