The Truth: You are loved. You are Beautiful. You have a purpose.

Let’s Throw a Party

40 Things to Give Up for a Better Life

This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalms 118:24 NIV

#9 Forgetting to Celebrate

I’m not good at the mushy stuff. I have a hard time telling people what they mean to me, how thankful I am, giving a hug or saying “I love you.” But the older I get the more I realize life is about our relationships, not wealth or success. It’s about how we treat each other, and one of the best ways to show people they matter is to celebrate them…,to celebrate the big accomplishments, the life milestones, the conquering of hard things, to let people know we see they are learning and growing.

When I got paid $10 for my first article it was a time for celebration. It didn’t matter that the meal out cost more than I made off the article. What mattered was that I did something brave.

When Jess learned to read, her teacher gave her an certificate. Jess was proud of the hard work that the award represented.

When my parents celebrated 50 years of marriage, a family gathering full of trips down memory lane showed that we kids loved them and were in awe of their accomplishment.

I think it’s time to celebrate every chance we get. Life is full of sorrows, heartaches and difficulties. Let’s blow up some balloons, bake a cake, and throw a party. And your the guest of honor.

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